Thursday, January 12, 2017

Hit the road, Brandon!

It's been a few days since my last blog update, primarily because there was not much to blog about. After I found out my Bolt had been picked up by the shipper from the dealership, nothing of note happened....except lots of angst on my end.

The day after I personally arranged the pickup of my Bolt, I asked the shipper when my Bolt would be loaded on the truck that would eventually take it east to Maryland. They told me, "Yeah! The driver should be on his way soon!", and said my original delivery window of 11-14 January was still accurate. I said OK, great.

The next day, I used my OnStar Remotelink app to get the GPS location of my Bolt. It showed me this:

 photo f556aad2-b34e-42a8-92cc-53247b7c488c_zpsye276hob.png

Looking up the address, it was the address of the shipping company in Maywood, CA. So Bobby at We Part Out Cars R Us did not have it, so that was good. I concluded they were still probably finding cars to fill up the truck for the ride east, so the driver hadn't departed yet. There were still 6 days till the back end of their delivery estimate, so I didn't find much reason to worry. Yet.

A couple of days later I called the shipper again, as my Bolt was still sitting in the shipper's storage lot pictured above according to the Remotelink app. I asked, "Did the driver leave yet for Maryland?", and they responded "Oh yeah! He's on the road now, and should be in Maryland by the weekend!". Right after the call, I checked on my app again, and it still listed my Bolt as being in the same spot it had been the last few days. I was starting to question whether they were feeding me a bunch of BS, or whether the OnStar app was feeding me a BS location for my Bolt. Odds were 50/50 as to which was true. 

Yesterday, seeing my Bolt still hadn't moved an inch, I sent an email to the shipper asking explicitly whether the driver had departed for Maryland, and sent them screenshots of the Remotelink app showing my Bolt was still in their storage lot. They then told me that the driver had not actually left yet, but was eating lunch and he would definitely leave today and would still make it to MD by the weekend. Now I was thinking that the shipper had been feeding me BS the whole time, and the app was indeed accurate. I was starting to regret not ponying up a few more bucks for shipping at that point.

Later that evening (around 8PM PST, waaaay past lunchtime), I checked on my app again, and my Bolt was....STILL IN THE SHIPPER'S DAMN STORAGE LOT! Either the driver was eating a 72-course lunch, or the shipper had again given me inaccurate info. This was turning into a bigger debacle than my Bolt's trek out west to the California dealer.

 photo 694_zpsbczdlqa1.jpg
Are you freaking kidding me??

This morning, I used the app to get another GPS location update, expecting it to show me another disappointing shot of my Bolt still being in freaking Maywood, CA. This is what it displayed:

 photo tracking_zpsdvxeachw.jpg

Wait, what?! It was moving! Praise *insert religious figure you believe in*!! My Bolt was finally heading east!! Now to resist the temptations of requesting 89 location updates a day and drain the 12V battery. Delivery is still supposedly this weekend!


  1. Congratulations on eastward movement, and OnStar appears to be the more accurate of the info given.

  2. And mine arrived at dealership today. Now waiting on shipper to Georgia.

    1. What part of Georgia Bubba? I'm excited to see one!

    2. Big city of Columbus. Local dealer NOT going to sell them. Have to go to Atlanta for service.

  3. Come on Mr Truck driver with the big appetite! Brian wants his Bolt!!

  4. Did it arrive by this weekend? :O If so, congrats!!! Beauty shots and DCFC testing in progress I hope?

  5. c'mon, stop driving around and write something! I'm so envious, you can't imagine :)
